Welcome to globalboard.online
Togethere we're building a network for transcultural* musicians to promoters and other musicians in Lower Saxony and beyond. From Electro-Pop through Folklore to Soul - this plattform has no musical borders.
This platform is especially dedicated to musicians who experience racism and/or migration as well as asylum seeking. Create your own profile, present your work and become a visible part of a big network.
Shabnam Parvaresh began her musical career play clarinet for the Teheran Symphonie Orchestra and the iranian National Traditional Orchestra.
Hesam Asadi plays asiatic instruments. His main instruments are Kamantsche and Daf. 2015 he came to germany and studied at the Center for World Music (Universität Hildesheim).
Syriab Band, that's orientali folklore presentet as a chamber orchestra. The ensemble was founded 2009 as a syrischesar ochestra with 40 members. Because of the war the musicians now live scattered across the whole globe.
Video: (c) Musikland Niedersachsen
Das Global Board macht klangliche und kulturelle Vielfalt und Diversität sicht- und hörbar. Es ermöglicht ein Kennenlernen, die Wahrnehmung, Austausch und Dialog für ein konstruktives Miteinander von Menschen unterschiedlicher kultureller Herkunft. Wir als Asambura Ensemble sind dem Global Board dankbar für die Kontakte zu wunderbaren Musiker*innen und für seine inspirierenden Vermittlungsangebote.
Maximilian Guth (Künstlerische Leitung Asambura Ensemble)
Globalboard.online offers a digital platform for transcultural music in Lower Saxony and beyond. The offer is intended to provide a sustainable digital continuation of the Global Board project, which was carried out in Musikland Niedersachsen until 2019.
Musikland Niedersachsen set up the former Welcome Board in 2016 in cooperation with the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture as a service for incoming music to support and network refugee musicians* in Lower Saxony.
The renaming of the board to Global Board in 2018 was intended to reinforce the goal of making cultural diversity tangible as a natural part of life in the exchange between all music stakeholders in Lower Saxony. However, no further funds are currently available for personnel and project costs of the Global Board.
The Globalboard.online platform is aimed at musicians with experiences of migration, flight and/or racism. They have the opportunity to create an artistic profile with audio samples - to network with each other, as well as to be found and contacted directly by institutions and other musicians*. We want to create a space for people who are structurally marginalised and also often disadvantaged on the musical labour market. Globalboard.online aims to strengthen their visibility and increase their presence in the music world. Gloalboard.online is also a contact and information point for institutions that want to open their space for musical encounters.
Musicians who register on globalboard.online are supported in terms of content and design in shaping their artistic profile. For the first participants, a webinar entitled "DIY Booking" was held at the beginning of June. In addition to the platform, the topics of public relations, booking and self-management as a musician were also covered.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us here
globalboard.online is an initiative by Musikland Niedersachsen.
Kindly supported by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture (MWK).
The Landesmusikakademie und Musikland Niedersachsen gGmbH is a society of the Landesmusikrats Niedersachsen e.V. in cooperation with the State of Lower Saxony, Stiftung Niedersachsens and Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung.